I am a product designer with experience in B2B and B2C digital products. I worked with startups and corporations, as well as I went through my own entrepreneurial endeavours.
I lived in 8 countries and collaborated across multiple timezones.
I lived in 8 countries and collaborated across multiple timezones.
I am one of the best 3 % designers by Toptal.
16 years
Creating digital products
10 years
Designing the best experiences
Personal profile
I am an ideator. I thrive on coming up with new ideas and exploring different ways of doing things.
I am structured and innovative, able to take my ideas and turn them into a plan or process.
I am adaptive, able to change as needed to get the job done.
And finally, I am supportive, ensuring that everyone around me has what they need to be successful.
I have always been a leader of groups, whether it is organising snowboarding and surfing trips for friends, teaching at university during studies or leading a team of designers. My creative side comes out in abstract painting and playing music. But most importantly, I love telling stories - writing them and telling them orally.
I have been doing yoga every day for more than a year. Books about psychology, design, the complexity of the world and biohacking podcasts entertain me in my leisure time.
Causes I care about
Climate crisis
• I offset my CO2 footprint at WREN since January 2022
• I am a member of Sea Shepherd Direct Action Crew, I contribute monthly since June 2021
Politics and humanity
• I am supporting Ukraine monthly, since June 2022
• I am a member of the civic-tech community Cesko.digital, since 2020
• During the second wave of Covid, I led a half year course of coding for kids using Minecraft worlds at school Make it today, 2021
• I reviewed more than 50 paper submissions for EURO IA 2020 conference as a volunteer
• Participated on World Information Architecture Day and UX Camp Europe as a volunteer, 2018
• I have worked for free for a year to help building a mobile app Preventivka that prevents the most common fatal diseases in Czechia.
Public speaking
A talk inspired by the book Transition Point and by my interest in Brain-Computer Interaction. Presented online at UX Camp Berlin 2020.
I entertained audiences by explaining the concept of affordance at
• University ESIEE Paris
• Conference UX Camp Europe Berlin
• Oracle NetSuite Barcelona Development Hub
• Public events in Czechia